When it comes to coffee, there are as many different opinions and preferences as there are people who drink it. While every person seems to have their own idea of how they like their coffee, there are some general expectations. In this guide to coffee, you’ll find out everything you need to know about the most common types of roasts, how to make a cup of coffee, and what the different flavours of coffee taste like. Read on to learn more about how to drink coffee the right way.
What is a roast?
Roasting coffee is the process of turning green coffee beans into a dark brown colour. There are many different roasts, each with its own flavour and aroma, so it’s important to know what type of roast you’re going for when brewing coffee. Generally, the darker the roast, the stronger the coffee’s flavour will be. If you like the taste of dark roasts, you’ll probably prefer bold flavours like chocolate, caramel, and a more intense caffeine taste. One of the most common questions about coffee is “What is the best type of roast to brew?” There are many factors to consider when choosing a roast, including what type of coffee you’ll be brewing, but the majority of coffee drinkers prefer dark roasts. The majority of coffee drinkers prefer dark roasts because the stronger flavours make for a bold tasting cup of coffee. Even if you prefer milder flavours, a medium roast can still provide a good cup of coffee, just with less intense tastes.
Espresso is made by forcing a liquid, usually water, through finely-ground coffee beans. The flavours of the beans are extracted and concentrated during the brewing process. Once the liquid has passed through the grounds, it is then quickly collected and poured into a glass mug. Espresso is often served with a little bit of warm milk, creating a creamy and sweet drink.
French press
A French press is great for brewing a strong cup of coffee with a full-bodied flavour. It works by brewing coarsely ground coffee beans. Once the grounds are pressed together, they form a filter that retains the coffee flavours. After brewing, the coffee is filtered through a press filter to get rid of any excess grounds. The coffee is then poured into a mug and served with a few spoons of sweetening syrup.
Automatic drip
An automatic drip is a process that has the grounds slowly dripping into a container with water to make a strong, full-flavoured cup of coffee. This type of machine is usually programmed to brew coffee every hour and will make up to a 12-ounce cup. The strength of the coffee depends on the number of beans you put into the machine. The longer the beans are left in the machine, the stronger the coffee will become. When you are ready to drink the coffee, you’ll have to push a button to stop the brewing process.
What are the different roasts?
There are several different types of coffee roasts, each with their own unique flavour profile.
Dark roast – A dark roast coffee is one that has been roasted for the longest amount of time. They have a strong, bold, rich flavour, full-body and texture. Dark roasted beans are oilier, which sometimes leads to a bittersweet or toasty taste, as well as decadent chocolaty flavour.
Medium-Dark roast (House Roast) – These coffees are roasted for a longer period of time than medium roasts, but shorter than dark roasts. They have a slightly stronger flavour than medium roasts with a hint of chocolate or caramel undertones. They have a full body and a low acidity.
Medium roast – Medium roast coffees are roasted for a slightly longer period of time than light roasts. They have a medium body and a slightly stronger flavour than light roasts. They often have a balanced acidity and a smooth, nutty taste. Medium starts to take on a bit of the taste from the roasting process, losing some of the bright floral flavours that are typical of a Light Roast. Instead, they carry much more of a balanced flavour with a higher amount of caffeine.
Light roast – A light roast coffee is one that has been roasted for the shortest amount of time. Light roasts offer multilayered complexity, revealing traces of sweetness, fruit tanginess, or even a subtle floral aroma. Light roasts have bright acidity and are lighter in body because the coffee bean has not been roasted long enough to produce caramelized sugars or oil.
Summing up
Coffee can be brewed in many different ways. The roasts of the beans will affect the flavour of the drink, but there are many different flavours that can be created from the number of roasts used. It’s important to note that the roast level does not necessarily indicate the quality of the coffee. The flavour of a coffee also depends on the variety of the beans, the growing conditions, processing methods and other factors.
There are several different methods for brewing coffee, each with their own unique flavour profile. Some of the most popular methods include: Drip brewing, French press, Pour over, Siphon, Espresso machines, and Cold Brew.